The Best Cup of Coffee: Fat Coffee

There are definitely differing opinions on drinking Coffee. It’s important to keep in mind how you personally respond to it. Come on… deep down you know 😉

Some people can have just one cup and feel great. Others will get the shakes or even nauseated. With other people, it’s just a slippery slope. One cup leads to two then by 4 in the afternoon that’s all they’ve been drinking.

A main reason for a lot of the nasty side effects is actually the poor quality of the beans.  Coffee is one the most heavily sprayed crops on the planet! So always make sure you buy Organic. It can also contain a lot of mold. This acts like an invader in our system and wreaks all sort of havoc. So knowing where your beans are from and the quality is huge.

I’ve noticed that one cup is the perfect amount when I add healing ingredients. It’s also usually my breakfast replacement and gives me the fuel I need to have a great workout too.

Because I have been dealing with varying inflammatory and digestive issues for years, I make sure to add Turmeric into my morning cup everyday. Turmeric has a deep yellowish orange color and has been used historically as a healing remedy and everyday spice. It’s also been used throughout time to dye textiles, and even my teeth 😉

Turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory effects. They have been shown to be comparable to potent drugs like hydrocortisone and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, without all of the terrible side effects.

Living with chronic knee pain, I feel the difference as soon as I stop taking this magical spice. If I am traveling or just start to ween off of it- you know, when something makes you feel great so you stop taking it… woops.

So adding Turmeric to my morning drink ensures I have it in my system everyday.

Then, I also make sure to add in healthy fat. Yes. Fat in my Coffee. A variation of the popular Bulletproof Coffee.

I’m not sure if you have heard of Bulletproof Coffee. Basically, it is adding healthy fats to your coffee to allow your body to be more fuel efficient. It allows the caffeine to attach to the fat so you have a steady stream of energy instead of a peak followed by a crash. And it works beautifully.

Drinking fat Coffee or Tea is also great if you want to become Fat Adapted. Meaning you burn fat for fuel instead of Glucose (carbs or sugars). That is a whole other post that I will expand on later.

But for now, if you want to know more about the Science of Bulletproof Coffee you can read about it here.

I have been drinking versions of this for a couple of years now and I love it! I don’t do it everyday, but I have had incredible healing in my digestion and overall energy by using the more potent MCT Oil. Specifically Brain Octane Oil, which is derived from Coconut Oil.

By now, we all know how awesome Coconut Oil is- now imagine all of the best fat burning and energy giving parts condensed into one bottle, and that is Brain Octane Oil.

I really feel a difference in energy and focus with this added to my morning cup. Obviously the traditional Bulletproof also calls for grass fed Butter, so it’s not Vegan. But you can omit that and use high quality MCT oil in it’s place.

With all of that in mind- Here is my favorite Recipe for Coffee-

First I start with a French Press. This ensures the best flavor and quality 🙂

Next I add a cup of Coffee to my Blender, add one tablespoon of MCT Oil, a teaspoon of Turmeric, a teaspoon of Vanilla, a few dashes of Cinnamon and Stevia and then a dash of Cayenne. Amazing!

This perfect cup gives me the energy and focus to be extremely High Vibe and show up fully for all of my clients, and also myself 🙂
